Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Group Crit 16/03/2011

Really interesting and helpful group crit today. The problems i was feeling with using watercolour have now been dispersed and i'm now quite confident in continuing on with the idea of Capote Illustration. Maybe working with "In Cold Blood" instead of "Other Voices, Other Rooms" as the characters are much darker and complex.

The main point i got from todays crit was that, yes watercolour is an incredibly traditional medium and is often thought of as twee or old fashioned but if i can contrast this medium with harder more graphic subjects then it will become very contemporary and successful. Think Cherry Hood's portraits of child prostitutes in "Harold's End" (see earlier posts on Hood's work)

Also was introduced to the work of Edward Burra and George Grosz.

This has all made me feel less apocalyptic.

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